On Stumbling
Over stumbling stones?
No, no one stubs their toe against them.
They're embedded so evenly into the paving.
But the names they carry, the letters and numbers, Are stamped on our conscience;
Are stamped on our conscience;
"born, deported, murdered"
And the places
Łódź, Minsk, Riga, Theresienstadt,
Auschwitz, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka ..."
We look for you
Whose names are written in the archives
and the heavens.
We find you in places of terror and persecution.
We recognise you in your children and grandchildren.
The stones speak of you,
every day.
You are not forgotten.
Inge Grolle
(translation by Dr. Anne Stokes and Ingrid Haas)
The Web Page www.stolpersteine-hamburg.de is a cooperation of the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg and the initiators of the commemorative project "Stolpersteine in Hamburg”.
Host of the Web Page is the Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg, Dammtorstraße 14, 20354 Hamburg, www.hamburg.de/politische-bildung
Responsible for the content of this Web Page according to §6 MDStV:
Dr. Rita Bake, assistant director of the Agency for Civic Education Hamburg, Dammtorstraße 14, 20354 Hamburg, Tel. ++49 (0) 40 428 23-4804, E-Mail: rita.bake@bsb.hamburg.de