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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Clara Löwenburg * 1880

Wrangelstraße 10 (Eimsbüttel, Hoheluft-West)

1941 Minsk

further stumbling stones in Wrangelstraße 10:
Louis Bär, Arthur Ascher Elias, Caroline Elias, Konrad Garcia, Rosa Garcia, Alma Grellert

Clara Löwenburg, née Lichtenstein, born on 14 July 1880 in Altona, deported to Minsk on 18 Nov. 1941

Wrangelstrasse 10

An error that crept into the Hamburg Memorial Book also made its way on to the Stolperstein commemorating Clara Löwenburg. She was not born in 1918 but already on 14 July 1880. She was the daughter of the secondary raw material dealer (Rohproduktenhändler) Hermann Lichtenstein and his wife Friedchen, née Auerbach. When she was born, her parents lived in Altona at Lerchenstrasse 6 on the fourth floor. She was married to Samuel Sally Löwenburg, born in Lübeck in 1851. His parents were the trader Ruben Alexander Löwenburg and Esther, née Horwitz, who were no longer alive at their son’s wedding. Clara and Sally were married in Nov.1905. At the time, Sally Löwenburg lived at Amandastrasse 46 and Clara Lichtenstein at Peterstrasse 41 with her parents. The couple remained childless. Like Clara’s father, Samuel Sally Löwenburg operated a used goods trade. He died in July 1931 in his apartment at Rentzelstrasse 36.

After the death of her husband, Clara Löwenburg moved to Marktstrasse 139. In 1936, she resided at Wrangelstrasse 14 with Carjel, later on Gosslerstrasse in Hoheluft, which was renamed to Wilsterweg after passage of the "Greater Hamburg Act” (Gross-Hamburg-Gesetz). At the time, Gosslerstrasse and Wilsterweg were the names of what is today Eppendorfer Weg between Hoheluftchaussee and Eppendorfer Baum. There are no clues to any gainful employment, but Clara Löwenburg, being a single Jewish woman almost 40 years of age, had to perform forced labor until receiving the deportation order. Clara Löwenburg was deported from the address of Wrangelstrasse 10 with Garcia (see entry on Rosa Garcia). The deportation list indicates her occupation as factory worker.

Translator: Erwin Fink
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: March 2017
© Susanne Lohmeyer

Quellen: 1; 4; 5; StaH 332-5 Standesämter, 3043 + 791/1905; StaH 332-5, 6212 + 2017/1880; StaH 332-5, 8107 + 361/1931; StaH 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinden 992e2 Bd. 3 Deportationsliste; HAB II 1905, HAB IV 1943.
Zur Nummerierung häufig genutzter Quellen siehe Link "Recherche und Quellen".

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