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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Erich Putlitz * 1910

Hellkamp 75 (Eimsbüttel, Eimsbüttel)

JG. 1910
"VERLEGT" 27.11.1941
ERMORDET 6.1.1942

Erich Karl Paul Putlitz, born on 25.9.1910 in Hamburg, admitted to the Alsterdorf Asylum (today: Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf) on 6.6.1917, transferred on 28.7.1941 to the Hamburg-Langenhorn sanatorium and nursing home, transferred on 27.11.1941 to the "Gau-Heilanstalt Tiegenhof" (Dziekanka) near Gniezno, Poland, died there on 6.1.1942.

Hellkamp 75 (Eimsbüttel)

Erich Karl Paul Putlitz was born in Hamburg on 25 Sept. 1910. He was the only child of Catharina Dorothea Henriette, née Eckmann, born on 22 Apr. 1885 in Lokstedt, and Paul August Carl Putlitz, born on 16 March 1881 in Berlin. Erich's parents had married in Hamburg on 14 Oct. 1909. Erich's father gave "lathe operator" as his occupation when he married. At Erich's birth or shortly afterwards, the family lived at Hellkamp 75 in Eimsbüttel.

Erich Putlitz, almost seven years old, was admitted to the Alsterdorf Asylum (today: Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf) on 6 June 1917. His patient file has not been preserved. The little that we know is taken from a file card that was started for the Hamburg Health Passport Archive, which was set up from 1934 onwards for the purpose of the "hereditary-biological inventory" of the population.

According to that, Erich Putlitz was said to have suffered from porencephaly (congenital or acquired brain malformation around birth due to local circulatory disorders) and epilepsy. He was considered incurably ill. It was also noted that "working capacity is not existing."

Erich Putlitz had lived in the Alsterdorf Asylum for 24 years until he was transferred to the "sanatorium and nursing home Langenhorn” ("Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Langenhorn") on 28 July 1941 in a group of at least 50 men.

On 14, 20 and 27 Nov. 1941, about 300 patients were transported from the two Hamburg institutions in Alsterdorf and Langenhorn to the "mental home Tiegenhof” ("Gau-Heilanstalt Tiegenhof") (Dziekanka) near Gniezno in present-day Poland. Erich Putlitz belonged to the group that was transported to Tiegenhof on 27 Nov. 1941. Almost all of them were murdered by starvation and/or overdosed medicines such as Luminal, scopolamine and chloral hydrate.

Erich Karl Paul Putlitz died there on 6 Jan. 1942 most likely not a natural death.

Translation: Elisabeth Wendland

Stand: April 2023
© Ingo Wille

Quellen: Adressbuch Hamburg; StaHH 332-5 Standesämter 9156 Geburtsregisterauszug Nr. 60/1885 Catharina Dorothea Henriette Eckmann, 8666 Heiratsregisterauszug Nr. 713/1909 Paul August Carl Putlitz/Catharina Dorothea Henriette Eckmann; Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf, Archiv, Erbgesundheitskarteikarte Erich Putlitz. Harald Jenner, Michael Wunder, Hamburger Gedenkbuch Euthanasie Die Toten 1939-1945, Hamburg 2017, S. 439. Michael Wunder, Ingrid Genkel, Harald Jenner, Auf dieser schiefen Ebene gibt es kein Halten mehr – Die Alsterdorfer Anstalten im Nationalsozialismus, Stuttgart 2016, S. 269 ff., Zugriff am 6.11.2021.

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