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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Berthold Bucki * 1897

Malzweg 21 (Hamburg-Mitte, Borgfelde)

JG. 1897

Berthold Bucki, born 23 Jan. 1897 in Hamburg, deported 8 Nov. 1941 to Minsk

Malzweg 21

The 46-year-old Johanna Emma Bucki, née Heiland, died at 6:25 a.m. on 19 May 1940 in the Psychiatric and Nervous Disorders Clinic of the Hanseatic University of Hamburg at Friedrichsberger Straße 60 in Barmbek-Süd. Johanna Heiland was born on 21 September 1893 and was raised by her foster parents Gustav Heiland, a skipper, and his wife Johanne, née Stallbohm. She considered herself, like her parents, "Protestant-Aryan.” Her husband Berthold Bucki was Jewish. Their marriage was considered a "non-privileged mixed marriage” according to the Nazi definition (mixed marriages in which the wife was Jewish and the husband non-Jewish were "privileged mixed marriages,” a Jewish husband and non-Jewish wife were "non-privileged mixed marriages”).

Behr Bucki, who later called himself Berthold, was born in 1897 at Sternstraße 119a in St. Pauli to Nathan Bucki, a cigar maker, and his wife Louise, née Danziger. He worked as a sales clerk. It is not known if he fought in the First World War. He and Johanna Heiland married on 23 May 1923. At the time of their marriage, his address was Hohe Bleichen 51, hers was Michaelisstraße 21. They moved into an apartment at Dahlenstieg 7. They had no children.

Berthold Bucki was a member of the Hamburg German-Israelitic Community. The first entry for his payment of church tax is from 1924, when he paid the minimum amount. Two years later he was exempted from payment. The couple moved to Malzweg 21 in Hamburg-Borgfelde, and supported itself after the Great Depression from Berthold Bucki’s small but regular income as a salesman. He left the Jewish Community in 1935, but re-joined in the following year. He found a new job in 1936 at the A. Finkels department store in Altona, but the position was very badly paid. He became unemployed in 1938.

It is probable that Berthold Bucki was conscripted to forced labor. After his wife’s death on 19 May 1940, he moved in with maternal relatives at Isestraße 94. It was from there that he was deported to Minsk on 8 November 1941. His profession is given as "sales clerk” on the deportation list. The deportation on 8 November was the second large transport from Hamburg in 1941, with the alleged purpose of "developing the Eastern regions.” Neither he nor the other deportees knew that the Minsk ghetto was only a stopover on the way to their deaths. There is no further trace of Berthold Bucki after his deportation.

© Hildegard Thevs

Quellen: 1; 4; 5; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, 9136+261/1897; 3458+428/1923; 7242+527/1940; 552-1 Jüdische Gemeinden, 992 e 2, Bd. 2.
Zur Nummerierung häufig genutzter Quellen siehe Recherche und Quellen.

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