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Walter Sammet * 1907

Annenstraße 4 (Hamburg-Mitte, St. Pauli)

JG. 1907
TOT 27.11.1944

Walter Theodor Sammet, born on 8 Apr. 1907, detained in 1937, died on 27 Nov. 1944 as a prisoner of war in the area of Baranovichy in Russia

Annenstrasse 4

Walter Sammet was among the homosexuals having become liable to prosecution whose criminal justice records no longer exist. Only a prisoner card file contains sparse clues to his fate.

On 16 Mar. 1937, the Hamburg District Court (Amtsgericht) sentenced the worker and truck driver Walter Sammet, a native of Altona, to four months in prison for offenses in accordance with Sec. 175 of the Reich Criminal Code (Reichsstrafgesetzbuch – RStGB). He served his prison term in the Fuhlsbüttel penitentiary until 16 July 1937.

On 1 July 1941, he was drafted into military service with the 3rd Company Territorial Reserve Battalion 10 (3. Kompanie Landschützen-Ersatz-Bataillon 10) in Lüneburg. In the very end, he was a private first class (Obergefreiter) in the 390th Field Training Division (390. Feldausbildungs-Division) in Central Russia. Walter Sammet died in captivity in the area of Baranovichy/Soviet Union (today Belarus) on 27 Nov. 1944.

Translator: Erwin Fink
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: January 2019
© Bernhard Rosenkranz/Ulf Bollmann

Quellen: StaH 242-1 II Gefängnisverwaltung II, Abl. 13; Schreiben der Deutschen Dienststelle (WASt) vom 19.6.2007; Amtsgericht Hamburg, Todeserklärungen GR 58 II 440/61; Standesamt Hamburg-Altona, Nr. 1468/1995.

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