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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Johannes Hild * 1891

Weidenallee 65 (Eimsbüttel, Eimsbüttel)

Verhaftet 1937 Polizeiwache 10
Flucht in den Tod 07.12.1937

Johannes Hild, born 26 Oct. 1891 in Hersfeld, suicide on 7 Dec. 1937 in Hamburg

Weidenallee 65

A fondness of men in military uniform would prove to be the undoing of the ship’s electrician Johannes Bild who was born on 26 Oct. 1891 in Hersfeld. His downfall came on St. Nicholas’ Day in 1937.

On that day "confidential information", as it was called in the police jargon of the time, or denunciation was submitted to the criminal police in Hamburg, describing Johannes Hild’s homosexual activity in "military circles" and his penchant for "tall, handsome figures whose rank shouldn’t be below that of a sergeant". A venue he frequented was identified as "Kaffee Sternschanze", where his "behavior" attracted attention, "distinguishing him outwardly as a homosexual".

One day later, on 7 Dec. 1937, he was arrested at 6:30 p.m. under suspicion of "perverted fornication". His personal belongings were seized and he was brought to Police Station 10. Immediately following his arrest, Johannes Hild hung himself in his cell at Großneumarkt 16.

What had happened? In Oct. 1937, Johannes Hild, who called himself "Charly", had met Karl Lamp, SS-Rottenführer born in 1916, at a bar. He offered to loan him money should he ever experience a financial emergency. Shortly thereafter, Karl Lamp took him up on his offer, borrowing 20 Reichmarks. Karl Lamp later reported that he had gone to Johannes Hild’s apartment in Weidenallee after a couple of days to pay back half of what he had borrowed. Johannes Hild invited him in for a glass of wine. During the course of the evening, the two engaged in sexual acts.

After Johannes Hild’s suicide, the police searched his apartment. They found "a very significant number of photos and mailing addresses of individuals". The police report continued: "... it must be assumed that Hild had engaged in perverted fornication with these individuals. At this point in the investigation, Hild had made his acquaintances in bars. He lent money to some of them. In so far as they were civilians, further investigation will be undertaken by this office." Based on the documents seized, the previously mentioned SS-Rottenführer Karl Lamp fell into the claws of the guardians of public morals. They became aware of him through a receipt for 20 Reichmarks and began their investigation.

The proceedings against Karl Lamp were suspended on 10 Aug. 1938 by the Hamburg District Court (Amtsgericht Hamburg), Department 131. On the one hand, the judge assessed the crime as more severe due to the fact that he, an SS man, had sex with Johannes Hild while in uniform. On the other hand, the judge gave him credit for the fact that he had only just turned 21 shortly before the time of the "deed" and had admitted the full extent of his guilt. Immediately following the announcement of the court’s suspension, Karl Lamp was expelled from the SS.

Since Johannes Hild’s last freely chosen abode was at Weidenallee, a Stolperstein there also memorializes his fate. The brass plate of the stone is inscribed "Fled by choosing death".

Translator: Suzanne von Engelhardt

Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: October 2016
© Bernhard Rosenkranz(†) / Ulf Bollmann

Quellen: StaH 352-5 Gesundheitsbehörde – Todesbescheinigungen, 1937 Standesamt 2 Nr. 378; 332-5 Standesämter, 1069 (Eintrag Nr. 378); 213-11 Staats­an­waltschaft Landgericht – Strafsachen, 8451/38; Rosenkranz/Bollmann/Lorenz, Homosexuellen-Verfolgung, S. 218.

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