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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Siegfried Werner * 1878

Weidenallee 48 / 50 (Eimsbüttel, Eimsbüttel)

1942 Theresienstadt
ermordet 04.06.1943

Siegfried Werner, b. 6.5.1878 in Posen, deported on 7.19.1942 to Theresienstadt, perished there on 6.4.1943

Weidenallee 48/50

In May1922, Siegfried Werner joined the Hamburg Jewish Congregation. He had probably come to Hamburg with his wife just a short time before. Until then, both had long lived in the Province Posen, in the capital city of the same name, where Siegfried, the son of the Jewish couple Jacob and Mathilde Werner, née Moses, had been born. The province had belonged to Prussia since 1815, and at the beginning of 1919 had been incorporated into the newly founded Polish state.

In Posen, Siegfried Werner got to know the two-year younger Louise Levy, and they married. She was born on 12.21.1875 in the vicinity of Posen, in the small town of Wagrowiec (from 1933 to 1945 Wongrowitz).

Siegfried and Louise Werner lived in Hamburg, initially as sub-lessees, then in their own home at Schäferkampsallee 6, and finally from about 1924 at Weidenallee 48–50, House no. 6. Initially, Siegfried Werner worked as an office assistant, then as sales employee. In 1926, he was jobless. From 1931 to 1933, he again found work which, however, paid so little or so poorly that the Jewish Religious Community tax was remitted. From 1934, he was again jobless. How the couple lived during this whole period is not determinable; perhaps, they received welfare. They had no children.

On 4.14.1929, Louise Werner died in the Hamburg Israelite Hospital. The cause is not known. She was 54 years old.

Her husband remained alone in their home on Weidenallee. In 1938, he was among the Hamburg Jews who the Gestapo dragged off to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp following the November Pogrom. He was severely mishandled there until his release on 2 December. In 1942, he had to leave his home on Weidenallee and move into a "Jew house” at Schlachterstrasse 40, the former Marcus-Nordheim-Institute. The Schlachterstrasse led from the Grossneumarkt to Michel and no longer exists. A few weeks later, on 19 July 1942, the Gestapo deported Siegfried Werner to Theresienstadt where he was murdered on 6.4.1943, the day before his 65th birthday.

Translator: Richard Levy
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: May 2019
© Frauke Steinhäuser

Quellen: 1; 4; 5; 8; StaH 332-5 Standesämter, 954 u. 166/1929; novemberpogrom (Zugriff 31.3.2012); (Institut Theresienstädter Initiative; Zugriff 31.3.2012).
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