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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Bruno Wassertrüdinger * 1877

Kippingstraße 25 (Eimsbüttel, Eimsbüttel)

1941 Minsk

Bruno Wassertrüdinger, b. 9.13.1877 in Fürth, deported to Minsk on 11.8.1941

Kippingstraße 25

Bruno Wassertrüdinger was a Jew, a native of Fürth, Bavaria. Fürth was once considered "the Jerusalem of Franconia” because it was a center of rabbinic learning.

A salesman and a dealer in glassware, Joseph Hirsch Wassertrüdinger was already listed in a directory of the Jews in Fürth for 1819. Bruno’s parents were named Sigmund and Cäcilie Wassertrüdinger, née Wolfsheimer. Bruno was the youngest of nine children. The family last lived in Fürth at Maxstrasse 31.

In 1896, Bruno’s parents left Fürth to live in Hamburg. In the Hamburg directory for the year 1900, a rentier S. Wassertrüdinger, Bruno’s father, is listed at Klosterallee 47. In 1910, his widow is entered at Kosterallee 5 and in 1915 at Hallerstrasse 72.

Bruno did not move with his family to Hamburg in 1896, but rather he went to Berlin where he lived in Wilmersdorf on Gabelsberger Strasse. Probably in 1931, he, too, came to Hamburg, that is, to Altona where he dwelt until October 1935 at President-Krahn-Straße 8 (with Reimer). From there he moved to Hansastrasse 71 and then in 1936 to Kippingstrasse 25. Bruno Wassertrüdinger was by trade a salesman and bookkeeper. He worked at Cremon 11–12. Presumably, he worked in the leather wholesaling business of his brother-in-law, Julius Stiel. He was unmarried.

In November 1938, he was, like many other Jewish men, briefly taken into "protective custody. In July 1939, he received a "security order” for his assets. Thereafter, he had disposal over up to only 500 RM per month. From one of his letters of 7 July 1939, it can be ascertained that he was at that time in the Jewish Hospital for an operation.

On 8 November 1941, Bruno Wassertrüdinger was deported to Minsk and in the same month his assets were confiscated. His, in the meantime widowed sister Lilly Stiel, emigrated to Brazil in 1933.

Translator: Richard Levy
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: May 2019
© Susanne Lohmeyer

Quellen: 1; 2 (R1939/2817); 4; 5; StaH 351-11 AfW, AZ 130977, AZ 220371; StaH 522-1, Jüdische Gemeinden, 992e2 Bd. 2 (Deportationslisten); HAB II 1900, 1910, 1915, 1935 und 1941; Berliner Adressbuch 1914; Auskunft Jüdisches Museum Franken in Fürth vom 24.11.2010.
Zur Nummerierung häufig genutzter Quellen siehe Link "Recherche und Quellen".

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