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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Franziska Koopmann * 1888
Kurzer Kamp 6 Altenheim (Hamburg-Nord, Fuhlsbüttel)
1941 Riga
further stumbling stones in Kurzer Kamp 6 Altenheim:
Dr. Julius Adam, Johanna Hinda Appel, Sara Bromberger, Therese Bromberger, Friederike Davidsohn, Margarethe Davidsohn, Gertrud Embden, Katharina Embden, Katharina Falk, Auguste Friedburg, Jenny Friedemann, Mary Halberstadt, Käthe Heckscher, Emily Heckscher, Betty Hirsch, Hanna Hirsch, Regina Hirschfeld, Clara Horneburg, Anita Horneburg, Emma Israel, Jenny Koopmann, Martha Kurzynski, Laura Levy, Chaile Charlotte Lippstadt, Isidor Mendelsohn, Balbine Meyer, Helene Adele Meyer, Ida Meyer, Ella Rosa Nauen, Celine Reincke, Friederike Rothenburg, Benny Salomon, Elsa Salomon, Martha Rosa Schlesinger, Louis Stiefel, Sophie Stiefel, Louise Strelitz, Eugenie Hanna Zimmermann
Jenny Koopmann, née Levy, born on 5.11.1860 in Randers, deported on 19.7.1942 to Theresienstadt, further deported on 21.9.1942 to Treblinka and murdered.
Franziska Koopmann, born 31.10.1888 in Hamburg, deported on 6.12.1941 to Riga and murdered
Kurzer Kamp 6, Old People's Home (Hamburg-North, Fuhlsbüttel), designated 1939 a "Judenstift"
Jenny, née Levy, was born on 5 November 1860 as a Dane in Randers, East Jutland; she was the child of a Danish-German marriage. Her mother Breincke, née Samuel (b. 25.8.1822), daughter of Philip Samuel, came from Frederica, Denmark. She had been married to Joseph Levy in Randers since March 1848. Jenny's father was born on 18 January 1822 in Hamburg, Neuer Steinweg. Her paternal grandmother, Jeanette, née Bauer (b. 1781), a native of Hamburg, had married her grandfather David Hartwig Levy (b. 1776) from Dürckheim an der Furt in Hamburg around 1818. He had moved to Hamburg as a clothes merchant and died there at the age of 78 on 19 August 1854, his wife Jeanette already 15 years before him, at the age of 58 on 25 July 1839. Both are buried in the Jewish cemetery Ottensen.
Jenny Levy grew up with eight siblings in the "Jewish quarter" of Randers, in the oldest house at Hobrovej 3. There had been Jewish residents in this Danish port city since 1758. Jenny belonged to the blue-eyed and red-haired children. She came to Hamburg with her parents when she was 20 years old. Seven years later, on 20 October 1887, she married the merchant Moritz Koopmann (born 28.8.1856) in Hamburg. He had been a member of the German-Israelite community in Hamburg since his birth. He had registered his business as a merchant on 22 September 1882. According to his military record, he belonged to the reserve and lived at Hütten 79, 2nd floor.
Jenny's father-in-law Nathan Koopmann (born 30.1.1817 in Hooksiel) had been resident in Hamburg since 1842 and had earned his living as a master shoemaker. On 23 December 1856 he had acquired Hamburg citizenship. At that time he had already been married to Vogel, née Cohen, for five years. He had used his surname Levy until February 1857, when his name was changed to Koopmann. Three children had been born in Hamburg, the family had lived at 2 Elbstraße No. 38.
Moritz Koopmann had already lost his mother at the age of seven, on 24 October 1863 in Hamburg at the age of 43. Vogel, née Cohen, found her final resting place in the Jewish Grindelfriedhof.
Moritz had also learned his father's trade, shoemaking, and had his company "M. Koopmann" entered in the commercial register on 7 February 1887.
Jenny Koopmann was 28 years old and had been married to Moritz Koopmann for a year when she gave birth to her first daughter Franziska in their flat at Steindamm 43 on 31 October 1888. Their three other children were also born there: Alphons (born 31.1.1891), Selma (born 28.12.1892) and Martha (born 30.3.1895). The siblings grew up where their parents' shoe shop was located.
Franziska's maternal great-grandparents, Sara, née Manuel, and the cantor Philip Samuel had already died in Randers, only her Danish grandmother Breincke Levy was able to see her through her first nine years until she died in December 1897 in Hamburg in her flat at Großneumarkt 52. Franziska's grandfather, the "bandagist" (manufacturer of bandages or healing bandages) Joseph Levy, survived her by three years; he died in September 1900. Both found their final resting place in the Jewish cemetery Ilandkoppel in Ohlsdorf, grave location A 13, No. 19/20.
The shoe shop was successful, so that it was expanded in 1900 with a store for shoe goods, Grindelallee 85, and in 1901 with a branch at Grindelallee 141. During this time, on 9 March 1900, Jenny's husband Moritz Koopmann acquired Hamburg citizenship, which he already held by descent.
Jenny's father-in-law Nathan Koopmann was 94 years old. He died on 20 March 1911 and was buried in the Langenfelde Jewish Cemetery.
Jenny Koopmann's daughter Martha became a clerk and married the Krefeld merchant Joseph Servos in Hamburg on 14 December 1920 at the age of 25. Since then she lived with her husband in Krefeld and had two sons there: Heinz (born 19.10.1921) and Kurt Joseph Servos (born 17.6.1924).
Moritz Koopmann had given up his business at this time; it was recorded in the commercial register as defunct on 21 September 1920.
Daughter Selma was an accountant and married two weeks before her 30th birthday. On 15 December 1922, on the first Hanukkah day, she married Sally Harlam (b. 1889 in Posen).
Their son Alphons Koopmann had learned the trade of a merchant and worked in the Wilhelm Rosenbacher Bank on Mönkedamm and Alsterdamm. He was married to Felicia Zweig, a native of Magdeburg, who was two years younger. Their two sons were born in Hamburg, Fritz in June 1921 and Hans in August 1924.
The following two years were difficult for Jenny Koopmann and her family. Her husband and father of the children, Moritz Koopmann, fell ill with "lymphosarkomatoxi" (cancer of the lymph glands) and had to seek treatment from Dr. Hugo Meyer. He died on 12 March 1926, five months before his 70th birthday, in the flat they shared at Bismarckstraße 90. His son Alphons, who lived at Hammerlandstraße 47, had also stood by him. He was laid to rest in the Jewish cemetery Ilandkoppel Ohlsdorf, the funeral brotherhood took over the burial three days later, grave location ZZ 9, No. 122. The secondary grave remained reserved.
Jenny Koopmann, who became a widow at the age of 65, had to give up the wholesale cigar business that her husband had run in recent years. She only stayed in her old flat with her daughter Franziska for a short time. After moving out of Bismarckstraße, mother and daughter changed flats more frequently.
First they moved in with daughter Selma at Isestraße 23, 3rd floor. Their son Walter was born in Hamburg four months after his grandfather's death in July 1926. Selma Harlam lived with her family in Berlin in the following period, where her second son Peter was born in June 1928. Jenny Koopmann was maintained by her children during this economically difficult time.
In 1930, her third child also left Hamburg. Son Alphons Koopmann moved with his family to Frankfurt am Main. In 1935 Jenny Koopmann and Franziska lived as subtenants with Dr. Katzenstein at Werderstraße 7, 1st floor. The following year they rented separate flats, Jenny Koopmann stayed in the same house with Rosenthal, 2nd floor, Franziska moved to Brahmsallee 24 to Bachmann, later to Kaplan. In 1936, Jenny Koopmann also stayed temporarily in Krefeld with her daughter Martha. As early as 24 July 1936, she applied for admission to an Israelite old people's home. In 1937, Franziska moved to Parkallee 10 to live with Levy, and in October 1937 again to Werderstraße, to live with Spiegel and Kaplan. At times Jenny lived at Grindelberg 77, 1st floor, with Glaser. The frequent change of residence makes it clear how much both were dependent on the helpfulness of other people in view of their precarious situation. At the time of the pogrom night in November 1938, Jenny Koopmann lived at Grindelallee 74.
Her son Alphons was able to save himself and his family by emigrating to the USA.
Jenny Koopmann also wanted to escape the persecution with her daughter. She turned to her native Denmark for help, wrote to the Danish police on 30 December 1938 and requested a residence permit for herself and her daughter Franziska. In the safety of Denmark, they wanted to wait for an entry permit to the USA. Jenny Koopmann explained that she was Danish-born and that siblings and nephews of her family lived in Copenhagen. When asked by the Danish police, Jenny Koopman sent names and addresses of her Danish relatives, such as the Copenhagen address of her sister Rosa Beermann. She had never seen some of the relatives she gave, like her nephews John Beermann and Philip Metzon; nor did her Danish relatives know that she and her daughter were coming. On 20 March 1939, Jenny received a refusal from the "Rigspolitichefen Kobenhaven" for the entry of her daughter Franziska to Denmark. For herself, there was neither an acceptance nor a rejection. There was no further correspondence after that. Franziska Koopmann, who had previously worked as an employee, had been receiving a monthly pension of RM 56 since 1940. Since 15 May 1941, Jenny and Franziska Koopmann lived in the Mendelson-Israel-Stift, flat no. 12, and were supported by the welfare.
Five months later, on 18 October 1941, Jenny Koopmann's daughter Selma and her husband Sally Harlam, together with their sons, 15-year-old Walter and 13-year-old Peter, were deported from Berlin to Lodz and murdered in Chelmno on 13 May 1942.
Jenny Koopmann's daughter Martha and her husband Joseph Servos were deported from Düsseldorf to Riga and Stutthof on 11 December 1941 and murdered. Their sons Heinz and Kurt Joseph Servos had managed to escape to the USA in time.
Even before her own deportation, Jenny Koopmann lost her only remaining daughter: Franziska Koopmann was deported to Riga on 6 December 1941 and murdered. Before that, on 8 November 1941, Jenny Koopmann's son Alphons' sister-in-law Else Zechlinski, her husband Louis Paul and their daughters Gerda and Lotte were deported to Minsk and murdered. On 15 July 1942, Alphons' parents-in-law, Rudolfine, née Kreslawsky, and Siegismund Zweig (for biographies see, were deported to Theresienstadt, where Siegismund Zweig died on 5 August 1942.
Separated from her family, Jenny Koopmann was deported to Theresienstadt four days later, on 19 July 1942. On one of the dreaded transports, Jenny Koopmann and Siegismund's wife, Rudolfine Zweig, were deported to Treblinka on 21 September 1942 and murdered. Stolpersteine commemorate Rudolfine and Siegismund Zweig at Klaus-Groth-Straße 60 in Borgfelde.
Jenny Koopmann's only surviving child, her son Alphons, remained in New York after the emigration together with his wife Felicitas and their children. His name is listed on an American recruitment card from 1942. It can be assumed that he participated in the Second World War as an American soldier. According to reports from the Leo Baeck Institute, the following can be learned about Jenny Koopmann's son: "Brother Alphons Koopmann was always active in Bʼnai B᾽rith, no matter where he lived. In his native city it was the Nehemiah Nobel Lodge, in Frankfurt am Main it was the Markus Horowitz Lodge, and immediately after his arrival in America, he joined the Manhattan-Washington Lodge in New York." Alphons Koopmann died in New York at the age of 64 on 12 October 1955. Hans, his younger son, later Jack Koopmann, died in August 1979 at 55 in Harris, Texas. His eldest son Fritz, later Fred Koopmann, remained in the USA and died in Bergen, New Jersey in April 2004 at the age of 82.
Jenny Koopmann's other grandsons, the sons of her daughter Martha, also survived in the USA. Heinz, later Henry Servos, died at the age of 45, on 20 February 1966, in Woodstock, Canada, and his brother Kurt Joseph Servos died in 1995 at the age of 70 in Delaware, Pennsylvania. He is survived by a daughter, Jenny Koopmann's great-granddaughter Diane Servos.
Translated by Margot Löhr
Stand: November 2023
© Margot Löhr
Quellen: 1; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; StaH, 213-13 Landgericht Rückerstattung, 10722 Jenny Koopmann; StaH, 231-3 Handelsregister, A 12 Bd. 16 Moritz Koopmann; StaH, 231-7 Handels- und Genossenschaftsregister, A1 Bd. 18 Moritz Koopmann; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Geburtsregister, 2170 u. 4046/1888 Franziska Koopmann, 2245 u. 341/1891 Alphons Koopmann, 2281 u. 3443/1892 Selma Koopmann, 2393 u. 794/1896 Martha Koopmann; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Heiratsregister, 702 Nr. 31/1851 Nathan Levy u. Vogel Cohen, 8753 u. 1077/1920 Joseph Servos u. Martha Koopmann, 8776 u. 1024/1922 Sally Harlam u. Selma Koopmann; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Sterberegister, 417 u. 2160/1897 Breincke Levy, 8088 u. 103/1926 Moritz Koopmann; StaH, 332-7 Staatsangehörigkeitsaufsicht, AIf Bd. 112 Nr. 1643 Nathan Koopmann, AIf Bd. 190 Nr. Q 280 Moritz Koopmann, B 46122 Joseph Levy; StaH, 351-11 Amt für Wiedergutmachung, 15091 Felicia Koopmann; StaH, 352-5 Gesundheitsbehörde, Todesbescheinigungen, 1926, Sta 20a, Nr. 103; StaH, 376-2 Gewerbepolizei, Spz VIII C 24 Nr. 3759 Moritz Koopmann; StaH, 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinden, Geburtsregister, 696 b Nr. 10/1822 Joseph Levy, 696 e Nr. 160/1856 Moritz Koopmann; StaH, 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinden, Heiratsregister, 702 c Nr. 31/1851 Nathan Levy/Vogel Cohen; StaH, 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinden, Sterberegister, 725 e Nr. 141/1839 Jeanette Levy, 725 h Nr. 123/1854 David Hartwig Levy, 725 k Nr. 189/1863 Vogel Koopmann; StaH, 741-4 Fotoarchiv, K 6114, Sa 1091; Hamburger Adressbücher 1887–1943; Datenbankprojekt des Eduard-Duckesz-Fellow und der Hamburger Gesellschaft für jüdische Genealogie, Ohlsdorf 1896–1901, 1922–1930, A 13-19/20, ZZ 9-122, http://jü, eingesehen am: 22.2.2022; Leo Baeck Institute, LBI Photograph Collection, Record ID 835315; Dokumente und Fotos, Eric Goebel, Rigsarkivet Kobenhavn, Samling Metzons private archives #7496, box 10 Rigsarkivet; Rigspolitichefen, Tilsynet med Udlxndinge udl-sag 66.404 – Brevkorf af 30.12.1938 fra Jenny Koopmann, Hamburg til Rigspolitichefen udl-sag 66.404 – Brevkorf af 6.03.1939, hvor der refereres til Rigspolitichefens svar af 4.01.1939. Udkast til Rigspolitichefen svar af 3.01.1939; udl-sag 66.404 – Rapport Visumafdelingen af 16.03.1939; udl-sag 66.404 – Handskrevet Udkast til skrivelse til fu Jenny Koopmann, Hamburg, godkendt af L. den 21.03.1939; Jürgen Sielemann: Die Deportation aus Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein am 6. Dezember 1941, in: Karin von Borbély (Bearb.): Deutsch-Baltisches Gedenkbuch. Unsere Toten der Jahre 1939–1947, hrsg. von der Deutsch-Baltischen Genealogische Gesellschaft, Darmstadt 1991, S. 599–603; Stolpersteine in den Hamburger Stadtteilen Billstedt – Horn – Borgfelde. Biographische Spurensuche, Hamburg 2011, S. 190 (Siegismund Zweig); Vilhjalmur Örn Vilhjamsson: Medaljens bagside. Jødiske flygtningeskæbner i Danmark 1933–1945, Kopenhagen 2005, S. 60 f. ("Jenny og Franziska Koopmann") u. S. 381 (Quellen: Nr. 99–103).
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